Code, Angular, iOS and more by Aviv Ben-Yosef

Angular 2 migration: what's ng-forward?

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Angular 2 keeps getting closer (beta2 was just released). This means everyone are getting more anxious and worried about the future of their Angular 1 code.

The migration path keeps getting clearer. I’ve shown before how easy it is to start integrating ng2 in your existing apps with ng-ugprade.

Yet I keep seeing developers confused ng-forward: Is it the same as ng-upgrade? Is it a formal part of the migration path? When should you use it?

This post will give you the background you need to wrap your head around ng-forward and whether or not you should be using it.

What’s ng-forward

ng-forward is an open source project that aims to let you write Angular 1 code that looks very similar to Angular 2. You don’t actually start to use ng2. Instead, you’re getting familiar with the syntax and a lot of your code will look almost exactly like it would have looked in ng2.

ng-forward isn’t by the Angular core team per se. It is created by the community, but with a blessing of the core team.

Here’s how a simple service would look like when written with ng-forward:

import { Injectable, Inject } from 'ng-forward';

@Inject('$q', '$timeout')
class TestService {
  constructor($q, $timeout) {
    this.$q = $q;
    this.$timeout = $timeout;

  getValue() {
    return this.$q(resolve => {
      this.$timeout(() => resolve('Value'), 3000);

As you can see, it’s much alike Angular 2, but of course we’re still making use of Angular 1 services like $q.

What’s the difference between it and ng-upgrade

ng-upgrade, which is an official part of the migration path and comes bundled with Angular 2 for now, is a mechanism to run actual Angular 2 code alongside Angular 1.

This means that while with ng-forward you’re writing services that look like Angular 2, with ng-upgrade you write actual Angular 2 services.

When should you use it

First of all, I’ll mention that ng-forward doesn’t support ES5 (yet), so you can only use it if you want to use ES6/TypeScript.

This is a big advantage of ng-upgrade: it works with ES5 (though documentation is still lacking) so you can start using it in ES5 project without making a lot of infrastructure changes.

Now, the decision of whether to use it or not boils down to personal preference. They’ve done a marvelous job of making a lot of the syntax closely resemble ng2’s.

If you don’t expect to actually start learning and migrating to ng2 in the near months after its release, ng-forward is an interesting compromise.

You can start getting used to Angular 2 syntax, and won’t have to relearn a lot of things just yet.

Just as with ng-upgrade, there’s no need to rewrite all your code, you can decide to simply write new code with it or migrate specific services/components as it suits you.

Personally, I think that if you can take the hit of bundling Angular 1 and 2 together (which is a bump in download size), you should lean towards ng-upgrade.

Yes, it will take more time (since you’ll have to learn Angular 2), but whatever code you change/write won’t have to be migrated again later.

Also, I find the almost-exact-same-syntax a bit of a disadvantage. Imagine a big project that’s written with ng-forward and that later starts an ng-upgrade migration.

It could easily become confusing to debug and make changes in a code base where neighboring files look very similar yet use a fundamentally different framework underneath.

That said, you should definitely consider using ng-forward if for some reason you won’t be adding ng-upgrade soon.

The sooner you start adjusting the easier it will be down the migration road (or path).

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