Code, Angular, iOS and more by Aviv Ben-Yosef

Adding the first Angular 2 component to your Angular 1 app

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In my previous post we saw how easy it can be to add your first Angular 2 service to an existing Angular 1 app, using ES5. This lets you easily have Angular 1 code live alongside Angular 2 code.

This time, let’s start dipping our toes in the real deal: adding your first component.

What’s an Angular 2 component?

A component is a piece of logic (like Angular 1’s controllers) that’s coupled with a view. It’s self contained and isolated. And it can have bounded inputs and outputs.

Sounds familiar? That’s basically Angular 1.5’s .component (see here).

Setting things up

Set up takes a few minutes to add the Angular 2 dependencies and create the upgrade adapter that wires everything together. Follow the instructions from my previous post.

Our shiny new component

We’ll start from a pretty basic component. It will have a single input: that’s ng2 speak for a bounded property, except the binding is not two-way by default.

If we were to write this component in ng1 it would look something like this:

angular.module('app').component('greeter', {
  bindings: {name: '='},
  template: '<span>Hello, {{}}!</span>'

Here it is in Angular 2 and ES5:

var GreeterComponent = ng.core.
    selector: 'greeter',
    template: '<span>Hello, {{name}}!</span>',
    inputs: ['name']
    constructor: function() {}


Breaking it down

It takes some more lines to write it, but this is essentially the same component we saw earlier.

In Angular 2 we provide a selector to components, but it’s actually not used when using it from Angular 1. All that matters is the name we provide in the .directive() call.

Note that we’re defining the inputs, much like the bindings above.

Using it from Angular 1

When using the upgrade adapter, we still have to use the new template syntax when using the component:

<greeter [name]="name"></greeter>

Those brackets mean we’re setting up one way binding to pass the name parameter down to the component and it will be updated automatically whenever you change it in your Angular 1 code.

That’s it!

Where to go from here

You can read more on the upgrade guide, though it’s all in TypeScript for now.

There’s plenty more to go into here: the new template syntax, binding for changes (i.e. outputs), and more.

I’ll be covering more upgrade steps soon, sign up below to stay posted!

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