Code, Angular, iOS and more by Aviv Ben-Yosef

Writing Pragmatic Angular Components

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Angular 1.5’s new components are awesome. But, as with anything new, we’re still learning, as a community, how to best use it.

There are so many different ways to use them. And the style guides aren’t clear yet.

Here are my initial thoughts/guidelines after playing with components lately:

Default to use one-way bindings

Angular 1.5 introduced one-way bindings, as opposed to the regular two-way bindings.

Since the need to override something from a child components to its parent is rare (and perhaps even a code smell), I prefer to always use one way bindings.

So make sure to pass write your bindings like so: {someBinding: '<'}, making sure to pass '<' instead of '='.

Use $onInit to initialize your component

Yes, you don’t have to use to for setting up your component. We’ve been doing just fine without it so far.

But, I think it helps makes thing clearer and explicit.

So, in your component’s controller function put all the setup code inside $onInit, e.g.:

app.component('foo', {
  controller: function() {
    var self = this;
    self.$onInit = function() {
      // Initialize here:
      self.foos = [1, 2, 3];

    // Add the other functions...
    self.addFoo = function() {};

Use require to pass dependencies between components layers

2 years ago I wrote about the benefits of using the require feature for making more maintainable and robust directives.

Now, that components have even simpler require syntax and support, there’s really no reason not to use it.

It’s a great way to pass along dependencies between your components hierarchy without having to pass bindings from parent to child, layer after layer.

If you have some top level components that exposes something you need in some grandchild component, instead of using bindings just require it from the grandchild.

It makes these dependencies explicit and also is safer for refactoring, since Angular will let you know if something you’re requiring isn’t here.

Feel free to inject $element to your component controllers

Components aren’t controllers. Components are better directives.

Just because components don’t have a link function, it doesn’t mean you can’t use them for writing something that needs to play with the DOM a bit.

A component’s controller can be injected with $element, just like you get in a directive’s link. There’s a reason it’s there – use it.

Yes, it was taboo to do DOM manipulation in controllers, but that’s the old Angular.

Embrace components and fear not having a true component that has control over its element.

“Maintaining AngularJS feels like Cobol 🤷…”

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