Code, Angular, iOS and more by Aviv Ben-Yosef

The Performance Difference Between ng-bind and {{}}

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Interpolation is one of the first things newcomers to Angular learn. You can’t get around writing your first Angular “Hello, World” without some sort of simple interpolation like Hello, {{ $ }}.

But, you may have come across the ng-bind directive, seen it used and realized it’s pretty much the same as straightforward interpolation. The above example using ng-bind would look like this:

Hello, <span ng-bind="$"></span>

Why do we have both {{}} and ng-bind?
Is there any reason to use one over the other?
In this post we’ll see exactly what are the differences and why ng-bind is preferable.

The original reason: Flash Of Unstyled Content

FOUC is a term that’s been around for quite some time. In Angular, it mostly refers to when a user might see a flash of a “raw” template, before Angular actually got to compiling it and handling it correctly. This happens from time to time when using {{ }} interpolation, since Angular has to go over the DOM, find these and actually evaluate the proper value to put in them.

It looks unprofessional and also might make non-technical people think there’s something wrong with the page.

ng-bind, on the other hand, makes this a non-issue. Since the directive operates as an element attribute, and not as the element’s text value, there’s nothing visible to the user before Angular finishes compiling the DOM.

This can also be circumvented using plain {{ }} by using tricks like ng-cloak, but I always found those to be a hassle.

The real reason: Performance

While it might seem like there’s no real reason to have a different performance impact if you’re writing {{ $ctrl.hello }} or <span ng-bind="$ctrl.hello "></span>, there is.

If you’ve been following my posts for a while, this shouldn’t be the first time you hear of a case where 2 things that seem like they should be pretty identical are actually very different when it comes to their run-time performance.

The thing is that when it needs to keep track of interpolated values, Angular will continuously re-evaluate the expression on each and every turn of the digest cycle, and re-render the displayed string, even if it has not changed.

This is opposed to ng-bind, where Angular places a regular watcher, and will render only when a value change has happened. This can have a major impact on the performance of an app, since there is a significant difference in the time each way adds to the digest cycle.

In my benchmarks, I’ve seen it go as far as being twice as fast to use ng-bind. You can see for yourself in these samples: with interpolation vs using ng-bind (and since these are basic interpolations, I wouldn’t be surprised the problem is worse for complicated expressions).

I’m not big for premature optimizations, but I do prefer sticking to a single way of doing things across a project. That is why I usually opt for sticking with ng-bind from the start.

Happy hacking!

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