Code, Angular, iOS and more by Aviv Ben-Yosef

What Angular's .equals and .toJson are for

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Why did Angular implement its own angular.toJson() if we already have JSON.stringify()?
Why isn’t angular.eqauls() always the same as other equality utilities, like lodash’s _.isEqual()?

I faced these questions when I first started doing Angular. Taking care to note the difference has helped me avoid some pitfalls along the way and understand Angular a little bit better.

The unique behavior of angular.equals

Once you use Angular enough you eventually notice that Angular tends to prefix its own properties and functions with $. For example, if you use ng-resource (though I think you shouldn’t) you will see methods such as $save(). Another case is scopes’ $apply, $watch, etc. and ngModelController’s $error and similar.

Because of that, the Angular team implemented .equals() so that it ignores properties that start with $. This means you can compare objects without fear of Angular’s properties getting in the way (like equality of two ng-resource instances):

angular.equals({a: 1}, {a: 1}) === true
angular.equals({a: 1}, {a: 1, $a: 2}) === true

.equals() also differs from other utilities in that it completely ignores functions:

angular.equals({a: 1}, {a: 1, b: function() {}}) === true

This allows us to compare objects considering only their data, not their functions or Angular-added properties.

The curious case of angular.toJson

One of the first functions any developer doing JavaScript comes across is JSON.stringify(). At first, I didn’t realize why Angular would need to add its own way of doing that.

Well, it turns out that the Angular team didn’t do it because they just happen to like rewriting everything. toJson is different in that it ignores properties starting with $$. Yes, that’s two $ signs, unlike equals().

While Angular uses the $ prefix to denote its own properties, $$ means private Angular stuff, or “don’t touch this.”

The fact toJson ignores these means you won’t get unexpected attributes on your data. The most common use case is the fact Angular adds a $$hashKey property to elements in ngRepeat (when you don’t use track by).

Say you use ng-repeat to display some list of objects you got from the server, and then after the user changes them you send them back to update the server. The silently-added $$hashKey might end up in your database, or trip up server-side validations about unexpected fields.

That’s why Angular provides toJson and uses that by default for serialization (e.g. in $http).

The companion fromJson() is plainly a wrapper around JSON.parse(), probably to provide the symmetry.

Now you know!

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